
Sunday, April 18, 2010


Very excited to find my String Quartet haiku in the spring edition of 3Lights!  You will find it at the bottom of the blog on page 9.  Read the whole journal and enjoy...

Friday, April 2, 2010


breach the morning mist
dolphins riding waves

Self as a work of art

"From the idea that the self is not given to us, I think that there is only one practical consequence; we have to create ourselves as works of art." Michel Foucault
I suspect that this is what I have been doing in my journals.  By putting words on paper I come to understand what I think and feel. Many times I have not understood something about myself or my situation until I have written it down. In some circular way I am creating myself in my writing.
Life Matters on ABC Radio National this morning explored journal and diary writing.  A lot of people, many women, said they wrote diaries when they were teenagers but stopped once they matured.  Others wrote diaries during difficult passages in their lives.  Some women wrote a diary of a child's birth and early years as a gift for the child.  Some, like me, have written journals all their lives and consider them as companions on the way.
The contents and form of my journals have changed over the years.  As child and teenager my diary was the repository of daily events, teenage gossip, angst and hopes. Although vestiges of this remain, their present function is as a resource and tool for my creative writing.  I doodle with words, opinions and ideas on those irresistible blank pages.
Daily I (re-)create myself as a work of art?